Project Overview:
GranHealth is a senior-focused app that promotes the use of electronic health records. This app organizes doctor and patient messaging, appointments, and medications to make it easier for seniors to access to their health records and information.
1) Create easy-to-understand data visuals for users
2) Integrate notification reminders through the app to the phone
3) Construct detailed information pages for diagnosis, medications, and appointments
User Research Summary
At the time of this project, I worked at a senior independent living community where I was in contact with seniors daily. Overtime I documented common phrases, emotions, and feelings that were expressed by seniors before, after, and leading up to their appointments. I used this data to develop interview questions, which were then used to conduct user interviews. Almost all interview participants reported feeling overwhelmed or frustrated with forgetting information from visits or not asking all of the questions they had at the time. A lot of them also complained about the worry of forgetting to take their newly prescribed medications at the right time. The feedback received through research made it very clear that users would be open to help if they had access to an easy- to-use tool to help guide them.
Research Questions
1. What do the users need most from this service?
2. What goals would users hope to accomplish from a senior-focused health app?
3. How do users currently keep up with medical health records and doctor appointments?
Meet the Users
Based on our users, I was able to decide which pages to focus on during the usability study.
1. Homepage: This is the page the users will see first and most likely will interact with the most. The user will benefit from having reminders as the first thing they see when they access the app.
2. My Chart: This page gives the users options to access different types of health records. Users will benefit from having picture icons for each specific health record. This helps in case the user is unfamiliar with the term.
3. Diagnosis: Based on the research conducted, a lot of users forget or don't quite understand their diagnosis from their doctor. Because of this, I designed the page to show the name of the diagnosis, its prescribed medication, and a description of what the diagnosis is.
4. Messages: Many users admit forgetting to ask doctors certain questions during their visits, or hating having to wait until their next visit to ask a questions. Due to this, I integrated a messaging tool on the app for doctor and patient communication. The messaging tool allows the patient and/or doctor to type messages with the key board or use the voice recognition feature.
Solutions to Challenges
Challenge 1:
Create easy-to-understand data visuals for users
Shown in the first and second mockups, I decided to use icons and pictures as another way to display what information is being portrayed.
In the third mockup, I incorporated easy to read charts and pictures to help the user get a better understanding of the data.
Challenge 2:
Integrate notification reminders through the app to the phone
As shown, users are able to select different notifications they would like sent to their phones, as well as turning off all notifications if they choose to do so.
Challenge 3:
Construct detailed information pages for diagnosis, medications, and appointments
As shown in the mockups, I created layouts that would not be overwhelming to the users eyes. Each design allows the user to click for more information instead of displaying all of it at once.
Accessibility Considerations
What I learned:
A lot of folx are unaware of design terms, even the ones I may think are simple. For example, during the usability study, it was very apparent that none of the users knew what a "hamburger menu" was. I decided to ask someone else from a younger age range and they were unaware too. I've now learned how to redirect questions without using difficult design terms.
Because I dealt with this age group everyday, I was able to get firsthand feedback on their experience. To hear how much of a relief they felt and how heard they felt let me know I met a lot of user needs!
User feedback:
"This thing (the app) is doing the thinking and remembering for me!"
For additional findings and learnings, please contact